Serious Crime Lawyers
The offences which are categorised as serious crime are;
Conspiracy offences
Drug trafficking
Human trafficking and organised illegal immigration
Cyber Crime
Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) and Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)
The creation of the National Crime Agency (NCA) has resulted in an increase of national and international serious and organised crime prosecutions. The prosecuting authorities are placing great emphasis on detecting, investigating and prosecuting serious and organised crime. They also seek ensuing financial applications by deploying the Proceeds of Crime legislation.
Securing successful results in serious crime cases involves challenging evidence in these key areas, often with the assistance of expert witnesses;
Telephone and Cell Site evidence
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) data
Forensic and DNA evidence
Covert recordings and surveillance
Firearms evidence
Financial Evidence
Drugs analysis
CCTV and Imagery
Pathology and medical evidence
Computer and digital forensics
The Garrick Law team of lawyers have decades of experience in Serious Crime. They will ensure that a bespoke team of lawyers and experts are instructed, to ensure the best defence is mounted and that the best successful outcome is achieved for you.
How Can
Garrick Law Help?

Conspiracy Offences
If the prosecution believe a suspect has been acting in agreement with one or more individuals they can charge the case as a conspiracy. A conspiracy would include persons undertaking varying roles in that agreement. It is imperative that you seek experienced advice if facing such charges as nuances of role, culpability and harm can be extremely key to any trial, sentencing exercise and ensuing financial proceedings.

Jointly run by Barristers and Solicitors, ensuring unique strategic oversight, specialist knowledge, and advice from the outset, resulting in the best outcomes for our clients.
We benefit from an excellent team experienced in providing representation for clients whose matters span multiple specialist areas, including Criminal, Family, and Regulatory law. This enables clients to make planned, strategic decisions in each case, with foresight.
We represent clients fearlessly, regardless of what they are accused of or how powerful their opponent may be, resulting in trust, reassurance, and support for our clients.
We understand that whether you are a professional, private individual, or high-net-worth client, your reputation is key. We have the expertise and experience to assist in both Regulatory matters and managing adverse publicity.
We benefit from an excellent team experienced in providing representation for clients whose matters span multiple specialist areas, including criminal, family, and regulatory law, enabling clients to make planned, strategic decisions in each case with foresight.
We assign a dedicated Client Relationship Director to each case to ensure a proactive, high-quality service. This ensures that your case is regularly reviewed and you are kept informed and updated on developments, bringing peace of mind and reducing stress for our clients.
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Why Clients Choose Us

We Can Advise & Assist With Drug Offences Involving:
Being concerned in the supply of drugs
Possession with intent to supply
Production of drugs
Class A drugs – includes heroin, cocaine, ‘crack’, MDMA or ‘ecstasy’, LSD.
Class B drugs – includes amphetamine, cannabis, ketamine.
Class C drugs – includes diazepam, nandralone, testosterone, temazepam.