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Pre-Charge Engagement & Interviews (Voluntary & Post Arrest)

If you are suspected of involvement in any criminal or financial investigation then it is essential to take a proactive approach from the outset. Engagement of an experienced and respected defence team can often lead to an early resolution of a case and/or the case being dropped altogether.

Our solicitors are highly experienced in this field and therefore, are in a position to provide crucial advice, support and guidance prior to representation at prosecuting agency interviews.

We will arrange for a disclosure to be made prior to your interview and for a suitably qualified representative to accompany you to the police interview. We recognise that it is imperative that your representative has experience of the relevant prosecuting authority, so the advice can be tailored accordingly.

We can also assist, advise and seek to remedy or limit any damage caused to individual cases where the client has unfortunately engaged with the prosecuting agency directly, without legal representation, and unwittingly adversely impacted their case.

We can assure you that involvement by your legal team at an early stage ensures that proactive steps can be taken to avoid the respective prosecuting agency charging.

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Garrick Law Help?

Pre-Charge Engagement & Interviews (Voluntary & Post Arrest) FAQ

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Talk to a member of the Garrick law team today.

  • A voluntary police interview is an interview that takes place at a police station where you agree to assist the police with an investigation.

  • At the time you are asked to attend the voluntary interview you are not under arrest.

  • When you are arrested, you are prevented from leaving the police station for a period of time.
    The police can hold you in custody for this specific period of time before they have to charge you with a crime or release you

  • When you are arrested, you are prevented from leaving the police station for a period of time.

    The police can hold you in custody for this specific period of time before they have to charge you with a crime or release you.

  • Yes, the interview will be recorded and you will be cautioned. This means that even your voluntary police interview can be used as evidence in Court.

    • You have the right to legal advice from a criminal defence solicitor, and we strongly recommend that you do this.

    • You are free to leave the police interview unless arrested.

    • You must be informed of your rights, entitlements and safeguards.

    • You do not have to attend the police interview if after independent legal advice from your criminal defence solicitor you decide it is not in your best interests. We recommend you obtain this advice before attending the voluntary police interview.

  • Yes. The police officer must then inform the custody officer who will inform you that you’re under arrest and your rights.

    • If you decide to not attend, you could later be arrested and have to give a standard interview whilst in custody.

    • The police will continue to investigate you and matters surrounding the incident if you have not provided an account.

    • You should not make this decision until you have obtained independent legal advice from a criminal defence solicitor.

    •  If you have already failed to attend an interview then it is not too late to get legal advice, as the police may still be investigating you.

  • ​There are 3 options:

    • The police will take no further action on your matter.

    • The police will continue their enquiries and will not draw you out of their investigations.

    • The police will charge you with a criminal offence.

Run jointly by Barristers and Solicitors, ensuring unique strategic oversight, specialist knowledge and advice from the outset, resulting in the best outcomes for our clients.

We have the benefit of an excellent team who are experienced at providing representation for clients, whose matters multiform more than specialist areas; Criminal, Family and Regulatory, enabling clients to make planned strategic decisions in each case, with foresight. 

We represent clients fearlessly, no matter what they are accused of, and no matter how powerful their opponent. Resulting in trust, reassurance and support for our clients. 

Need Legal Advice?
Why Clients Choose Us


We understand that whether you are a Professional, Private or High Networth Client, your reputation is key.

We have the benefit of an excellent team who are experienced in providing representation for clients, whose matters multiform more than specialist areas; Criminal, family and regulatory, enabling clients to make planned strategic decisions in each case, with foresight.

We allocate a dedicated Client Relationship Director to each case, to ensure a great pro-active service, ensuring your case is regularly reviewed and you are kept informed and appraised of developments. Thereby, bringing peace of mind and reducing stress for our clients. 

Garrick Law
World Class Legal Solutions

Legal Experts You Can Trust

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Who Will Be My Lawyer

Sunpritha Jutlla | Pre-Charge Specialist

Sunpritha’s personable, positive, approachable and adaptable manner results in building trust and is recognised as an invaluable client care asset for both lay and professional clients. She has an innately attentive, conscientious and diligent approach to managing the challenging needs and expectations of clients.

- Client

"Her Strong Work Ethic Comes From Her Family Background In Business, Allied To Legal Experience"

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